First Tribe: Path to Manhood

First Tribe is a 9-month rite of passage program for dads with middle school sons.

When you purchase First Tribe, you'll receive everything you need—training, content, resources and activities—to lead a group of dads as you usher your sons into young manhood.

Through this transformational group experience, you will:

  • develop a meaningful bond with your adolescent son
  • teach him important lessons about life, manhood and faith
  • build quality friendships with other dads and sons
  • create lasting memories and have a ton of fun!
I'm Ready! Show Me How To Start First Tribe!

Before you go any further, let's make sure that you're a good fit for First Tribe.

You are right for First Tribe, if...

  • You're a dad, or father figure, with a son aged 11-15.
  • You want to teach your son about being a man, but you're just not sure where to start.
  • You can tell your son is changing, and it's getting harder for you to connect. You need some help knowing how to talk to him and enter his world.
  • You're not afraid of putting in some time and work to connect with your son. Don't worry—we'll show you how! But when it comes down to it, you're attitude is, "Bring it on!"
  • You're a man of Christian faith. First Tribe is built on the idea that Jesus is the best man for us to follow. You're on board with that, and you want your son to learn to be the same.

If this sounds like you, then you've come to the right place. First Tribe will be an amazing experience for you and your son!

As a result of being in First Tribe, your son will...

Have a clear picture of manhood

We'll push through the cultural confusion and arrive at a simple idea of what it means to be a man.

Learn how to make his faith his own

Gaining some practical skills and tools will help him move beyond a Sunday school faith.

Make good friends and fun memories

With regular activities, games and challenges, he'll have lots of ways to interact and have fun!

And as a dad, you will...

Talk with your son about all the important stuff

Taking responsibility, challenging himself, serving others, and even talking to women—we've got you covered on all of it!

Know how to connect with your teenage son

We'll give you some creative ways to engage with him around activities that you'll both enjoy, so you can easily enter into his world.

Feel like a hero

Seriously. How many dads do this with their sons? Not many. You'll be the cream of the crop. And you'll be able to look back on this season in your son's life with no regrets.

Meet Don Ross,
Creator of First Tribe

Hey, I'm Don, the founder and creator of Manhood Tribes, an organization dedicated to creating groups of extraordinary men who follow Jesus at every stage of life.

I've served as a pastor and ministry leader for the past couple decades, and have led and worked with men in a wide variety of settings.

I'm also a husband and a dad of two teenage sons. And it's out of my relationship with them that I started First Tribe. Like you, I wanted to make an impact on my sons during this stage of their lives.

And then it grew from there into helping other dads who want to do the same. I know you'll find First Tribe to be as beneficial as I have in helping your son become a man.

Don Ross, creator of First Tribe

Purchase First Tribe Today

Plain and simple—First Tribe: Path to Manhood will change your life and your son's life as well. And it's available to purchase!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to impact your son!

Buy Now!

What's Included in First Tribe?

First Tribe is a 9-month program, made up of once-a-month Tribe gatherings for all dads and sons together, plus activities for you and your son to do between gatherings. 

Everything you need to successfully launch and run your First Tribe is included in your purchase. Specifically, here's what you'll get:


You'll get videos and walkthrough guides for every First Tribe gathering.

  • 2 special events—Opening and Closing Ceremonies—with supply lists and scripts
  • 7 regular gatherings, with meeting outlines, videos to show, and questions for discussion
  • Images and prompts to share with your Tribe about activities to do between gatherings
  • Topics include: growing in strength and courage, facing hard challenges, learning the disciplines to follow Jesus, serving others, avoiding temptation, treating women well, and developing quality friendships with other men.


As the dad who purchases First Tribe, you'll be the one to coordinate the Tribe over the 9 months you're together. We provide you everything you need to make this happen.

  • Setup videos to help you know who to invite, when to meet, and how to prepare for your gatherings
  • Step-by-step guides on how to run the special event ceremonies to create memorable experiences
  • Tips on how to involve other dads in hosting and leading Tribe gatherings

Tribe Kit

Your son will receive a physical kit, filled with items that will help him in his First Tribe journey.

  • String bag, journal, and stickers to record his progress at Tribe gatherings
  • Stationery, pen, and wax seal for making written mementos throughout his journey
  • Keepsake items to mark his completion, including a pocket knife and a special craft project

Preview: Session 1

Click below for some examples of the content you'll get inside First Tribe!

Session 1 Outline

Session 1 Message Video

Session 1 Manhood Challenge

"First Tribe is exactly what I needed to help me connect with my sons at this age. I'd recommend it to every dad."

Shaun S

"First Tribe is a master class in what it means to be a man."

Nate H

"It spurred on fantastic conversations, especially about important topics we face in everyday life as a man."

Aaron A

Do It For Your Son

Purchasing First Tribe will be one of the best decisions you make during this season of your son's life. 

When you look back on these years, you'll have no regrets about being the dad your son needed.

I'm Ready! Sign Me Up!

Inside First Tribe: Path to Manhood, you get...


  • Everything you need to launch and run your First Tribe gatherings


  • Fun and engaging ways to interact with your son between gatherings


  • Exciting gifts and resources to help your son make the most of First Tribe


  • Documented guides and personal support—no need to worry about getting stuck

That's over $600 in total value!

Plus, You'll Be Backed by our Risk-Free 14 Day Guarantee

We get it. You're making a purchase over the internet. You want to know you can trust us.

And since it's an investment in your son, you want it to be worth every cent.

So here's how we're demonstrating that trustworthiness to you.

For 14 days, you'll be able to access the entire First Tribe program to see if it lives up to your expectations.

Within that timeframe, if something doesn't sit right with you, we ask that you make an effort to contact our support to see if we can help you through it.

If after that, you're still not satisfied, we'll happily refund your entire purchase.

Everything You Need - $199

With your purchase of First Tribe, you can feel confident that you'll get everything you need to usher your son into young manhood.

You'll receive access to all the digital content for First Tribe, which will set you up to lead the Tribe without a hitch.

Plus, your son will get the incredible Tribe Kit, packed with gifts and resources to help him make the most of his First Tribe experience.

Purchase First Tribe Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

If you're thinking "this sounds amazing, but I'm still not 100% sure" then keep reading.

You should give First Tribe a 14-day risk-free shot if you're motivated by any of the following:

You want to make the most of this critical season in your son's life.

You know you only get one shot at making this count. In the blink of an eye, he'll be out of the house. Your opportunity to shape the kind of man he'll become is a brief window.

You want to take advantage of this season, but you could use some help knowing how to leave a lasting impression on your son.

You want your son to be the kind of man who can face the world with confidence.

Being a man in our culture today can be especially confusing. Your son won't get a clear picture of what being a man is all about.

And without your help, his world will likely be filled with little more than texting, social media, and video games.

You want to set him on a different course, encourage him that being a man can be something good and significant. But you know that's going to take more than a good dad lecture, and you could use some help playing the long game.

You didn't get anything like this from your dad, but you really wish you had.

The lack of fathering in our culture has reached epidemic levels in the past few generations. You're the kind of man who wants that trend in your family line to end with you.

But it's hard to offer something to your son that you never received yourself. You really want to do this right, but you could use some guidance on how to be the dad your son truly needs.

Being a dad is hard.

I get it. I'm in the same boat with you. 

You work long and difficult hours to serve and provide for your family. But you know they need more from you than just that.

You do your best to show up for them. But, it rarely feels like your presence matters. Or like you're getting it right more often than not.

You long for that moment when you can step into the conversation, say just the right thing, and have everyone moving forward making wise decisions and being happy.

Sounds magical, right?

I'm gonna be real with you. When it comes to being a dad, there are no magic wands or silver bullets.

That's why I know how hard it is to want to connect with your son at this once-in-a-lifetime moment, but to also feel like you don't have a clue what to do.

That's where First Tribe came from.

It started with my own desire to connect with my sons. And then it grew into helping other dads who wanted to do the same.

Because honestly, isn't that what we all want, as men? Just a little help from another man who knows the way?

No one can do a better job of guiding your son than you. Because ultimately, your son isn't looking for guidance.

He's looking for you!

You can do this, dad. First Tribe can simply be the tool to help you be the dad you're already capable of being.

Making this investment in your son is a REALLY good idea!

I can't wait to meet you, teach you, and cheer you on inside First Tribe: Path to Manhood!

Praying blessings for you and your son,

Don Ross
Creator of First Tribe

The Best $199 Investment You Can Make

There's few things in life that are more valuable than investing in your son.

Do it for him. You'll be glad you did.

And so will he.

I'm Ready To Invest In My Son!